The breaking down of men is the most significant social problem we have today.

Major Archibold Butt, a great example of a Mighty Man.  Learn about the major near the end of this post.





“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

We left off last time with the five imperatives of Christian Manhood.  Let’s continue on this thought.  Manliness is Obedience to God.  It is obedience to the Law of God.

God is the creator of man and we need to submit to God.

When we don’t submit things begin to break down.  Systems always break down when manliness breaks down.  This is a fundamental concern within any civilization.  No matter what civilization we are talking about, when men do not fulfill their roles under the Law of God their systems will come apart at the seams.

I could try to list all the different problems our society is facing right now but I wouldn’t even have room to do it.  Men and women are not even getting married anymore.  Men are not growing.

This is not the time to relax! It is time for the churches to be speaking out on this.  It is time to preach the laws of men and the laws of God.  It is time to address the sacrificial elements and of raising mighty men.  If not, no society of any sort will survive. Freedoms will not be preserved.  We will not have prosperity going forward and that is a certainty, unless we return to raising up mighty men and mighty men of God.

Ever since the Titanic sank the Feminist Movement has been calling for no distinction between men and women. Even among feminists in 1912 they were calling for equality and that women should have given their seats to the men.  The cry of the feminists was there is no difference between men and women. That was the cry of the feminists!  Yes, even back in 1912.

In today’s society we see the movies showing women beating up on men and men beating on women. Is there any wonder why there is much more violence between women and men and so much more violence in the home?

This is far away from the biblical description of how things are to be.  According to the word of God women are the weaker vessel and man is to love her and sacrifice himself for that weaker vessel.  That is what the Bible says.  Feminists don’t like hearing about the weaker vessel issue and would much rather be in a dog eat dog fight the men for control world.  They dream about being kung-fu fighters and beating up on the men.  Men have been culturally feminized in our society.  A very carefully and methodically carried out strategy of the Feminist Movement.

America has come to believe the wrong things about gender, the role of men and women and the role of fathers.

America has come to believe the wrong thing about Gods Law and how it is to be applied.

America has simply come to a hardened heart stage and is completely rejecting and ignoring God entirely.

We will pay for this with dire consequences of which the damages are already very evident.

The reigning paradigm for the last 40 -50 years has been feminism. Feminism has not just been about the rights of women… it is more about the removal of gender distinction.  If feminism wins, they must teach young girls to act like men and teach young boys to act like women.  And it is happening!  I’m sorry but abhor “girlymen.”  I like men to be real men.

Remember it was going on back in 1912.

“Boats for women!”
Was the cry,
When the brave
Were come to die.
When the end
Was drawing nigh—
“Boats for women!”
Was the cry.

We face the problem that fathers are not having a significant role in the lives of their sons.  It is a problem that young men are not with their fathers.  Fathers are absent. Fatherhood no longer exists. Manhood hardly is seen anymore.  Most males are not “grown up” by age 30 anymore.  Males are now the least productive in the history of the world.  That is a sad statement.  Men have just fallen apart at the seams and are only interested in escaping reality.  Don’t get me wrong, here and there we see some small pockets of men acting like men, but for the most part we see all the aspects of our social systems breaking down because of the decline of males acting like men.  The future looks bleak – because men have walked away from the family.  They have walked away from responsibility.

This breaking down of men is the most significant social problem we have today.

If we don’t address this now… if the church does not speak to this issue, we are doomed.  Our society will not survive. History gives us living examples of what “quit ye like men” means.  We have seen courage, valor, steadfastness, fearfulness, failures and a panorama of men acting like men.  The men of the Titanic were a good example. Men going to their death to save the weaker vessels because that was how they were brought up and trained.  Well, not every man I might add.  There were a few men who cowardly snuck onto the life boats.  There were some wealthy men that thought it was their right to be first to survive.  But, the men that led, over 70 percent of them, were a fine example for us.  They illustrate the providence of God, the grace of God, courage, sacrifice and the principle of women and children first.

Major Archibold Butt was a great example.  He personally loaded a majority of the women and children onto the life boats and fought off the cowardly men that wanted to get by him and jump into the life boats. He was one of the most beloved figures aboard the Titanic.  He was a man of strong character.  A man of stiff military protocol.  A true soldier.  Just the kind of man you want around in a crisis.  He was simply returning home from a trip to Rome where he was going to see the Pope and King Victor Emanuel.  He was likely sent there as a personal messenger of the President.  He was on his way back to report to President Taft.  The last moments of his life were spent assisting women and children to safety and he went down with the ship.

Think about the “Intention to Protect” that was prevalent then.  We can address that in the next post.   Come back as we finish this topic.


God Bless you,

The Tubthumper

2 thoughts on “TITANIC MEN, WHERE ARE THEY? Part 4”

  1. Thank you, dear Brother, for your insight on both men and women in this nation with their duties as a man and as a woman according to God. This current ‘skim milk’ occurrence seems to be spreading eastward throughout this world. Or am I wrong in direction. There’s one aspect of a Christian man that I hope you will consider, and that is one who is so wound up in absolute ‘to the letter’ kind of adherence to God’s Word that causes men(male and female) to flee rather than stay. We must remember whether a man or a woman we are on Christ’ path alone and we will stand before Him alone. Therefore, we must remember our path of godliness is our own and be very careful not to think everyone should be like us. Not quick to judge! And as Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
    Love in Christ, pam

    1. Thanks sister, maybe I can do something on the issue you mention. Yes, I have seen that once in awhile but I have also seen it from the woman too. I am not sure that is a gender issue but more a psychological issue. Anyway good thoughts there and I sure thank you for responding. I will putting the final post up today for the Titanic type men needed and then its on to another topic. God bless you!

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