The breaking down of men is the most significant social problem we have today.

Major Archibold Butt, a great example of a Mighty Man.  Learn about the major near the end of this post.





“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity” (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

We left off last time with the five imperatives of Christian Manhood.  Let’s continue on this thought.  Manliness is Obedience to God.  It is obedience to the Law of God.

God is the creator of man and we need to submit to God.

When we don’t submit things begin to break down.  Systems always break down when manliness breaks down.  This is a fundamental concern within any civilization.  No matter what civilization we are talking about, when men do not fulfill their roles under the Law of God their systems will come apart at the seams.

I could try to list all the different problems our society is facing right now but I wouldn’t even have room to do it.  Men and women are not even getting married anymore.  Men are not growing.

This is not the time to relax! It is time for the churches to be speaking out on this.  It is time to preach the laws of men and the laws of God.  It is time to address the sacrificial elements and of raising mighty men.  If not, no society of any sort will survive. Freedoms will not be preserved.  We will not have prosperity going forward and that is a certainty, unless we return to raising up mighty men and mighty men of God.

Ever since the Titanic sank the Feminist Movement has been calling for no distinction between men and women. Even among feminists in 1912 they were calling for equality and that women should have given their seats to the men.  The cry of the feminists was there is no difference between men and women. That was the cry of the feminists!  Yes, even back in 1912.

In today’s society we see the movies showing women beating up on men and men beating on women. Is there any wonder why there is much more violence between women and men and so much more violence in the home?

This is far away from the biblical description of how things are to be.  According to the word of God women are the weaker vessel and man is to love her and sacrifice himself for that weaker vessel.  That is what the Bible says.  Feminists don’t like hearing about the weaker vessel issue and would much rather be in a dog eat dog fight the men for control world.  They dream about being kung-fu fighters and beating up on the men.  Men have been culturally feminized in our society.  A very carefully and methodically carried out strategy of the Feminist Movement.

America has come to believe the wrong things about gender, the role of men and women and the role of fathers.

America has come to believe the wrong thing about Gods Law and how it is to be applied.

America has simply come to a hardened heart stage and is completely rejecting and ignoring God entirely.

We will pay for this with dire consequences of which the damages are already very evident.

The reigning paradigm for the last 40 -50 years has been feminism. Feminism has not just been about the rights of women… it is more about the removal of gender distinction.  If feminism wins, they must teach young girls to act like men and teach young boys to act like women.  And it is happening!  I’m sorry but abhor “girlymen.”  I like men to be real men.

Remember it was going on back in 1912.

“Boats for women!”
Was the cry,
When the brave
Were come to die.
When the end
Was drawing nigh—
“Boats for women!”
Was the cry.

We face the problem that fathers are not having a significant role in the lives of their sons.  It is a problem that young men are not with their fathers.  Fathers are absent. Fatherhood no longer exists. Manhood hardly is seen anymore.  Most males are not “grown up” by age 30 anymore.  Males are now the least productive in the history of the world.  That is a sad statement.  Men have just fallen apart at the seams and are only interested in escaping reality.  Don’t get me wrong, here and there we see some small pockets of men acting like men, but for the most part we see all the aspects of our social systems breaking down because of the decline of males acting like men.  The future looks bleak – because men have walked away from the family.  They have walked away from responsibility.

This breaking down of men is the most significant social problem we have today.

If we don’t address this now… if the church does not speak to this issue, we are doomed.  Our society will not survive. History gives us living examples of what “quit ye like men” means.  We have seen courage, valor, steadfastness, fearfulness, failures and a panorama of men acting like men.  The men of the Titanic were a good example. Men going to their death to save the weaker vessels because that was how they were brought up and trained.  Well, not every man I might add.  There were a few men who cowardly snuck onto the life boats.  There were some wealthy men that thought it was their right to be first to survive.  But, the men that led, over 70 percent of them, were a fine example for us.  They illustrate the providence of God, the grace of God, courage, sacrifice and the principle of women and children first.

Major Archibold Butt was a great example.  He personally loaded a majority of the women and children onto the life boats and fought off the cowardly men that wanted to get by him and jump into the life boats. He was one of the most beloved figures aboard the Titanic.  He was a man of strong character.  A man of stiff military protocol.  A true soldier.  Just the kind of man you want around in a crisis.  He was simply returning home from a trip to Rome where he was going to see the Pope and King Victor Emanuel.  He was likely sent there as a personal messenger of the President.  He was on his way back to report to President Taft.  The last moments of his life were spent assisting women and children to safety and he went down with the ship.

Think about the “Intention to Protect” that was prevalent then.  We can address that in the next post.   Come back as we finish this topic.


God Bless you,

The Tubthumper



“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”                        1 Corinthians 16:13

Are you a man or a mowess?  So said the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz.

All joking aside, back in January of 2013 I did a workshop for the men in my church where I showed a movie titled, Act Like Men that was made by Biblical Worldview Media.  In the movie they documented everything I already knew along with most men.  We are in trouble.  We are seeing a decimation of manliness. It was clear as a bell then how things have been decimated and a cure needed to be administered and since then nothing has improved in-fact everything has become much, much bleaker.

In this segment I will address the decline of manhood in our nation and world along with the feminism movement and the destruction it has wrought.  I will also address the self-inflicted failure of men because we are partly at fault.  I will also touch on other destructive forces that are on men today.  A lot of women won’t like what I am writing, and a lot of men won’t like it either. I am personally ashamed of where my fellow men (mankind) has fallen.  I will not apologize for bringing forth the truth.  I am coming from a biblical perspective and so if you have a problem with what you are reading, I suggest you take it up with God and simply click to something more soothing for you.  Keep in mind however that God’s plan will never be altered.  In the end He will always be in control.

A lot of material I will present here came directly from the movie documentation and other sources which I will site when necessary.   This topic will take many posts to cover and I hope you will stay with it for the duration and summary.

Men are struggling and that is no secret.  History shows that civilizations fall when manhood breaks down. Years and years of ridicule, political correctness, feminist attacks, gender distinction wars, drug addiction and more have left men confused, passive, lazy and selfish about their identities. Men are under attack and have been for years.  The feminist movement has carefully orchestrated the attack for 100 years but most fiercely in the last 40.  And sadly, they have been quite successful partly due to men weakening and giving up their God given role. Our civilization and society are in a shambles. fatherlessness, immaturity, divorce and crime is at an all-time high. The destruction of the family as we once knew it is close at hand or already dead.

The warrior has been taken out of men as well. I don’t want to get distracted with this, but you can go to my post called, “Gibbor: The Warrior” for more detail if you wish. This is a quote from Robert Bly, “The disciplined warrior, made irrelevant by mechanized war, disdained and abandoned by the high-tech culture, is fading in American men. The fading of the warrior contributes to the collapse of civilized society.  A man who cannot defend his own space cannot defend women and children.”  Any men that do not discover the warrior aspect of their being are not real men. They are as Bly calls them, “mother-bound” boys still in need of a sword to cut them away from their mommies. Think about this as you can relate to the masses of sissified males in our current society.

What did the men on the Titanic know about manliness that now has been forgotten?  Will our civilization survive this decline of masculinity?  What does it really mean to be a man? I plan on exploring these issues and exhorting my fellow men to seek to reclaim our biblical vision for manliness.

Back in 1912 when the R.M.S Titanic hit that iceberg and sank an amazing number of men paid the ultimate price to be sure the women and children were saved. The “Law of the Sea” came from the Bible and is “women and children first.” Is this law of the sea, “women and children first” even relevant today?  I think not. How many men would give up their place on a lifeboat today for women and children.  Would you?  I think most men today would push women out or throw them overboard to get their spot on the lifeboats for themselves.  After all, that’s what women wanted is equality. I always say to be careful what you ask for. Sadly, because of the Feminist movement and the attempts to minimize the male role this has come about. And ladies, if we end up going to war again you will be subject to the military draft same as men. You won’t like it, but hey, it’s what you asked for. To an extent, males have allowed all this occur through passiveness, poor performance as leaders and simply just giving up.  For that as a man I am truly ashamed.  The pattern of Christ regarding leadership for men is to lay down your life if necessary. (I will never leave of forsake you.) There are many destructive forces working on men today. Entertainment, obsessive hobbies, self-interest, pornography, drugs, worldly diversions, lack of commitment, temptation, women’s movement and feminism (Darwin) and I could go on and on.  Men yield to temptation and passiveness much too easily.  We (men) have let it happen! As men, it is our fault.  Men gave up their God given place in the pecking order long ago.

The biblical role of men is to be obedient to God.  To know where you are going and to where you will take your family and your sons. Men are to be the protectors and the leaders.  And men that are “passive in worship will be men passive in life.”  “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Women have struggles too, this I know.  Some of those struggles come from what I am writing about.  I want you to know I acknowledge issues women face but this topic is about the men.

Are women the weaker vessel?  Yes, they are according to scripture they are.  It doesn’t take much brainpower or common sense to understand that.  Again, don’t get me wrong.  In some aspect’s women are much stronger than men.  But in the context of the protectors and the biblical subject at hand women are the weaker vessel.  Darwin’s introductions and the feminism movement did much to increase the passiveness and destruction of men.  It did begin there but regardless of what crazy things are happening in mainstream society and what is being taught, “God’s teaching and His principles will prevail.” Shame on the males of our land! Men have become incredibly passive and have retreated to try and escape reality.  Many are currently strung out on opioids while the women and grand-parents are raising their children. Men, it will be hard to survive this.  I do believe however, that women do want men to lead. They want the leaders that God develops. They do not want some barbarian or Neanderthal to drag them around by the hair muttering “my woman” she is mine.  If a man conducts himself as outlined in 1 Cor. 16: 13-14 the weaker vessel will follow the courageous lead.

This is no new phenomenon.  It is to our (men’s) shame.  We are deluged with boys born with no fathers and fathers leaving. The only way to survive this will be through Christian and Godly men that disciple, mentor and train younger men. We need to get back to the basics and do it one on one and one by one. If men don’t care about the “Bride of Jesus Christ” they won’t ever care about the other brides, the women, children or anything else.


Well, now that I have opened the can of worms let’s get into it.  Please come back for the next post as I begin the quest for Titanic Men. There are lots of stories of courageous men on the Titanic.  Imagine a world back where women and children came first and there was respect and honor for men.

God bless you all,



The Tubthumper


Click here to jump to the next post!





GIBBOR: The Warrior

The Glorious Hero                                          

“We are not interested in generals who win victories without bloodshed…sooner or later someone will come along with a sharp sword and hack off our arms.”- Carl Von Clausewitz (On War)

What is a man without his sword? – Robert Bly (To Be a Man)

Back in the day there were men that had a fight within them. Men in their twenties would still be filled the fight of a rhinoceros.  (A rhinoceros is an animal that gets raving mad, charges massively, has two-inch thick skin, and runs over anything and everything in its way.)  That is where most men in their twenties should be.  The concern today is that we see men in their twenties that have already given up the fight. The warrior within has left them. Is it from dysfunctional backgrounds, divorces, lost jobs or what?  They are dead. It is a sad day indeed when we see young men have given up the fight. They have lost their sword. Here we have an excerpt from Robert Bly:

“The warriors inside American men have become weak in recent years…  a grown man six feet tall will allow another person to cross his boundaries, enter his psychic house, verbally abuse him, carry away his treasures and slam the door behind; the invaded man will stand there with an ingratiating, confused smile on his face.”

Young men who are fighters show it proudly.  You see it when you are on their turf.  You will see the trophies of the victories they have won.  The glory of young men is their strength regardless of where it shows, it could be on the football field or it could be in a business meeting.

If you talk to a young marine that just got word his position was canceled and now doesn’t have to go in harm’s way they are disappointed. You would think they might be happy or relieved to be home safe again.  It may surprise you that most will be disappointed.  The mind-set of a marine – of the warrior is to exist for battle.  That is what they train for and that is what their lives are all about. Semper Fidelis is about the warrior.  Always ready, always faithful-to the Corps.  That means to be always ready to be first ashore and first to die if need be.

There is popular rejection of the warrior in our society today.

The warrior has been devalued. Women have decried this as violence! It is very interesting however, that women say they hate violence but they love a conquering hero.  They like their hero to provide a safe home and security.  Is it possible women just don’t want to know about the psychological violence a man must deal with in the process of becoming successful? Women love the decorated hero’s their military husbands have become but they don’t want to know anything about what happened to get them the medals. They simply want a normal and peaceful family.

Much of society today wants to condemn the warrior. It is the anti-gun lobbyists, the feminists and the liberals that would totally dismantle our military in the name of peace. But much of the growing men’s movement in America is about the recovery of the warrior.  This comes with dismay of the feminists.

Robert Bly, the guru of the men’s movement said, “The disciplined warrior, made irrelevant by mechanized war, disdained and abandoned by the high-tech culture, is fading in American men. The fading of the warrior contributes to the collapse of civilized society.  A man who cannot defend his own space cannot defend women and children.”

Gibbor: The Hebrew Warrior

The Bible is a timeless book and it never changes. It is not affected by changes of culture or fads, or trends.  The Hebrew word for warrior is gibbor and it is associated with the concept of maleness.  Gibbor stands unapologetic through the Bible as one of the primary stages along the male journey. When men reach this stop they are at warrior station. Any men that do not discover the warrior aspect of their being are not real men. They are as Bly calls them, “mother-bound” boys still in need of a sword to cut them away from their mommies. 

The Meaning of Gibbor

Without getting technical to save time, the root idea of Gibbor is that of “power, or strength with an emphasis on excellence and superiority.”  The word lends itself to the idea of gaining an upper hand or to be prominent, important, or have significance. (To be distinguished.)

Some of the communication problems men and women have in marriage comes because men speak in a language of gibbor and women speak in a different language.  What I mean is that men use a language of a warrior. That is how we perceive the world, engage people and talk about any subject.  I experience this very struggle in communicating with my wife. We men, speak this language mostly unconsciously. Our language in our world is negotiations, one-ups or one-downs, it’s trying to achieve an upper hand to protect ourselves from others. It is a conquest, a struggle for independence and a struggle to avoid failure.  Women cannot understand this and they understandably get annoyed and feel put down. (Understandably) It serves me well to work at being aware of this in my communications with my spouse.  (When I can.) And trust me… I am often in trouble with it.  But I refuse to be “mother-bound.”

To be likened to a woman is a major putdown for a warrior. “Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness?” (Jeremiah 30:6) It is men over 30 that are called gibborim, because men in the twenties did not yet qualify for the honor. “Now the Levites were numbered from the age of thirty years and upward: and their number by their polls, man by man, was thirty and eight thousand. These were the sons of Levi after the house of their fathers; even the chief of the fathers, as they were counted by number of names by their polls, that did the work for the service of the house of the Lord, from the age of twenty years and upward.  For by the last words of David the Levites were numbered from twenty years old and above.” (1 Chronicles23:3,24,27) The Bible intertwines the concepts of strength and warrior as the Psalmist confesses, “I am reckoned among those who go down to the pit; I have become like a man [gibbor] without strength.” (Psalm 88:4) Like the successful young businessman with the fight of a rhinoceros young men at this stage of life are pretty much right on pace.

It is the warrior in us men that keeps us going, that keeps us pressing toward our goals that keeps us standing our ground, that allows us to defend our personal values even to the point of risking our lives.

The male warrior instinct is alive! It cannot be dead, no way, because it is intrinsic, it is woven into the very fabric of our being.  This is normal and it is a natural stop on the male journey.  It is not to be despised or devalued by women, or men for that matter.  Men that are abused and defeated by life, take note that God is very much a warrior.  And to the feminists and those that have an agenda to make sissies of men and feminize all the males you can to try and turn them into mother -bound boys…IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!  It is intrinsic, it is in our creation.  Forget about it.

Yes, many men today are so abused and defeated by life, (and in the defense of some women I must say many men simply gave up their positions because of weakness) they do not have enough warrior left in them to defend themselves or their families or their society.  For you men… the place to begin is looking at God and leaning on the strength of God.  God is very much a warrior.     

I’ll end this post here, but click here to jump to the next one and learn about



Yours truly,


The Tubthumper


PS: The entire credit for this material goes to Robert Hicks and The Masculine Journey.

In the Footsteps of Your Father?


   Follow the markers and don’t get lost along the way…

“Have we not all one father? Hath not one God created us?” (Malachi 2:10a)

For you guys out there, have you thought about what it looks like to become a man.  And if you are a father, (defined that you have a son you are responsible for and haven’t just planted a seed and walked away like many) have you thought of the journey your son will make?  The journey to manhood is one that every male must take.

It is a sad commentary that in our times (2014) the jungle out there drains the manhood out of many and the survivors are few.  We now live in a society where there is very little direction for men.  There are no maps for our young men to follow.  Sadly there are few committed fathers willing to show the way young men need to travel.  Back in the day… fathers spent time with their protégé and taught them the way of the land.  They helped their son’s to earn the steps to manhood and to know the day they really become men.  Hikers can follow the markers on the Northville-Placid and Appalachian trails to show them each step along the way for miles.  The Appalachian Trail is a rugged trip through 14 states and each marker gets you one step closer to the summit.  Young men need some markers to show them to the summit of manhood.  They need the trail blazed ahead of them by strong men going forth first. appalachiantrail1

Growing boys and young men need a roadmap and need to see the lay of the land.  Even with seeing the lay of the land they will still need to make difficult choices along the way. A good father will provide a clear roadmap but will still allow the freedom of choice.  He will allow his sons to fail and experience the knowledge that comes from the school of hard knocks.  He will pick them up clean them off and lovingly but firmly set them on the trail again.  A father will provide corrective measures appropriately where needed and do what is necessary to help his seed mature and blossom at the right time. “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.” (Proverbs 13:24)

Whether young or old, men need to have instruction repeated.  Most men need to hear instruction five to seven times before it sets in.  Repetition is good for males.  Repetition is good because we are woefully forgetful. “If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?” ( Hebrews 12: 7-9)

The world we live in has changed.  Oh, if we could only wake up to the world we once knew it would be so comforting.  This is not to be.  Our world has changed and there is no longer a worldview of fatherhood.  Back in the day we had a good picture of our world with strong, loving and caring fathers.  Back in the day we had men actually fully integrated into family life.  We had fathers for children to go to for some guidance when they needed it.  Our world had fathers that would provide protection, guidance and comfort when needed.  We had fathers to model what a daddy or a husband looks like.  “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.” (Psalm 127: 3-5) If you were unfortunate and were one of the few back then that lost your father for some reason it was more likely one would come forth from your neighborhood.  Oh, how we lived in different times.

If you are on the Lake Placid hiking trail and you skip one or two of the markers or check-points along the way you will get lost in the wilderness.  The markers cannot be skipped and the check-points are there for security.  If you miss on of those you will incur a wound.  A son that misses a check-point in the journey to manhood will be lost and will have a wound. “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” ( Ephesians 6:4)  If they fall too far off the path they will have a deep wound.  As an example… If your father abandons your family you will need to become a man before you are ready.  You must fill the shoes of the father that should be there for you.  Because you need to fill his shoes you get robbed of your youth.  You are put under inappropriate stress and that is a deep, deep wound.  The scar will remain forever.

Have you ever noticed all the genealogical information in the Holy Bible?  It tells us that so and so begat this son and so and so was the son of this guy and he was the son of that guy and on and on it goes.  Father’s and sons obviously have great importance to God.  “The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him.” (Proverbs 23:24) There is hope!

We have hope to carry us through this troubling time.  If you are a man that became lost because you missed a marker or lost the map you can get on the right path.  You can find your way back.  If you are a young man and you want buck the tide and be a good father there is a way.  If you want to be a good male leader there is a way.  There is a roadmap that was developed ages and ages ago. It is for all to follow and it has markings every short distance traveled to show you the way.  You can see the truth and the forest through the trees.  It will show you the way!

There is a Father!  The father figure you have missed and are looking for is there.  He will show you the way and he will help you to stay on the right road.  If we all take a close look we can see God as that great Father we need.  When you read the scriptures it becomes clear the Bible portrays the Lord as the Great Father.  God created everything and God created you. He was not presented to us in the scriptures as mother.  God was positioned for us as the Father.  All throughout the Bible He is the Father.  Seek the Father… turn to His word, notice the markers and get on the right path. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.” (1 John 3:1)

 God Bless your day,

The Tubthumper


Meaning of Man, Part 1

Part 1 of a series of 3 posts.

This series of posts will be an overview of the six stages of masculinity from “The Masculine Journey”.

What does it mean to be a man?  What is manliness or masculinity?  Both men and women want to know the answer to the question, “What does it mean to be a man?”  Does anyone have a clue? I suppose most men would hesitate before throwing out an answer and would have a fear of getting swallowed by feminist equalitarianism when answering that question.

You men that have reached the mature or sage stage of your life might want to pass some of these posts on to your young men in the creational or phallic stages to help them to not get lost or stuck along the way to where you are. Oh, now you ask what is a “creational stage and what is a phallic stage”?  Stay with me on these posts and learn.  For you men that are looking for what has been lost I hope it shows up here.

The model that Jesus gives us in the gospel should provide a good visual image for man.  You must, however, study His life without any of the modern interpretations or miss-representations that I see so often.  You must read the word for what it is and let it speak for itself.  Jesus modeled both strength and sensitivity which change as men grow older.  Manhood will look differently as you move through your adult life cycle.

Remember men that your life is a journey and on any journey the landscape changes as you travel.  Some of you might say, “c’mon man”, there is nothing that is normal anymore when it comes to the subject of gender”.  To a certain extent I am inclined to agree with you if we’re only talking about our warped cultural and social mindset these days.  Make note, however, there are very critical differences between male and female in just about every area we can think of.  Because a high percentage of males born today do not have the presence of a father and we have a dominant force of feminine expectations about men, it is not “politically correct” or “socially correct” to be talking about “the normal male”.

As you men travel your journey you will leave and arrive at a new place at times.  You need to be aware when this happens that you will have a separation from the past, with an introduction to the new place and this will cause you some confusion to work through.

I don’t know that I will address marriage much here but when a man gets married he throws himself right smack dab in the middle of chaos and change.  I remember when I got married.  I did not give a second thought to the adjustment and change that would be required.  If all men would get in touch with the adjustment needed most would wait and some might be scared out of it.  Maybe, I say maybe, because I was young, blinded and just married her.  I was heavily bound in the phallic stage which will be explained later.  Now if you were to combine another event to cause adjustment such as a young man losing his job in the first year of marriage the adjustment, chaos, confusion and transition is longer and harder.  When those kinds of things happen it will feel like your lesson is inappropriate for the season of life you are in and much too harsh.  These experiences are actually normal.  Don’t let anyone tell you they are not. These are rich experiences that will cause you to learn more about yourself and your manhood than any book or lecture could provide. Survive them and move to the next stop on your journey.

“The glory of young men is their strength: and the beauty of old men is the grey head”, Proverbs 20:29.  In other words, “young men are defined by their warrior strength and old men are defined by their wisdom” says Dr. Hicks.[1]  What a man is greatly depends on what season in life he is in.  These different seasons of life also provide different spiritual challenges and issues relating to faith.  Children need to know that sins are forgiven; younger men need to overcome the tendency to do evil; and older men need to hang in there and value the spiritual persistence. As it is written, “I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake. I write unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one”,1 John 2:12-14.

In Dr. Hick’s writings he plotted out six Hebrew words that represent the male journey.

Follow along with me in part 2 as I provide a quick overview of each stage of the masculine journey by working through the meaning of these six Hebrew words from Scripture.

Click here to go to Part 2

“The Tubthumper”


[1] The Masculine Journey, understanding the six stages of manhood, by Robert Hicks, page 23.