“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”                        1 Corinthians 16:13

Are you a man or a mowess?  So said the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz.

All joking aside, back in January of 2013 I did a workshop for the men in my church where I showed a movie titled, Act Like Men that was made by Biblical Worldview Media.  In the movie they documented everything I already knew along with most men.  We are in trouble.  We are seeing a decimation of manliness. It was clear as a bell then how things have been decimated and a cure needed to be administered and since then nothing has improved in-fact everything has become much, much bleaker.

In this segment I will address the decline of manhood in our nation and world along with the feminism movement and the destruction it has wrought.  I will also address the self-inflicted failure of men because we are partly at fault.  I will also touch on other destructive forces that are on men today.  A lot of women won’t like what I am writing, and a lot of men won’t like it either. I am personally ashamed of where my fellow men (mankind) has fallen.  I will not apologize for bringing forth the truth.  I am coming from a biblical perspective and so if you have a problem with what you are reading, I suggest you take it up with God and simply click to something more soothing for you.  Keep in mind however that God’s plan will never be altered.  In the end He will always be in control.

A lot of material I will present here came directly from the movie documentation and other sources which I will site when necessary.   This topic will take many posts to cover and I hope you will stay with it for the duration and summary.

Men are struggling and that is no secret.  History shows that civilizations fall when manhood breaks down. Years and years of ridicule, political correctness, feminist attacks, gender distinction wars, drug addiction and more have left men confused, passive, lazy and selfish about their identities. Men are under attack and have been for years.  The feminist movement has carefully orchestrated the attack for 100 years but most fiercely in the last 40.  And sadly, they have been quite successful partly due to men weakening and giving up their God given role. Our civilization and society are in a shambles. fatherlessness, immaturity, divorce and crime is at an all-time high. The destruction of the family as we once knew it is close at hand or already dead.

The warrior has been taken out of men as well. I don’t want to get distracted with this, but you can go to my post called, “Gibbor: The Warrior” for more detail if you wish. This is a quote from Robert Bly, “The disciplined warrior, made irrelevant by mechanized war, disdained and abandoned by the high-tech culture, is fading in American men. The fading of the warrior contributes to the collapse of civilized society.  A man who cannot defend his own space cannot defend women and children.”  Any men that do not discover the warrior aspect of their being are not real men. They are as Bly calls them, “mother-bound” boys still in need of a sword to cut them away from their mommies. Think about this as you can relate to the masses of sissified males in our current society.

What did the men on the Titanic know about manliness that now has been forgotten?  Will our civilization survive this decline of masculinity?  What does it really mean to be a man? I plan on exploring these issues and exhorting my fellow men to seek to reclaim our biblical vision for manliness.

Back in 1912 when the R.M.S Titanic hit that iceberg and sank an amazing number of men paid the ultimate price to be sure the women and children were saved. The “Law of the Sea” came from the Bible and is “women and children first.” Is this law of the sea, “women and children first” even relevant today?  I think not. How many men would give up their place on a lifeboat today for women and children.  Would you?  I think most men today would push women out or throw them overboard to get their spot on the lifeboats for themselves.  After all, that’s what women wanted is equality. I always say to be careful what you ask for. Sadly, because of the Feminist movement and the attempts to minimize the male role this has come about. And ladies, if we end up going to war again you will be subject to the military draft same as men. You won’t like it, but hey, it’s what you asked for. To an extent, males have allowed all this occur through passiveness, poor performance as leaders and simply just giving up.  For that as a man I am truly ashamed.  The pattern of Christ regarding leadership for men is to lay down your life if necessary. (I will never leave of forsake you.) There are many destructive forces working on men today. Entertainment, obsessive hobbies, self-interest, pornography, drugs, worldly diversions, lack of commitment, temptation, women’s movement and feminism (Darwin) and I could go on and on.  Men yield to temptation and passiveness much too easily.  We (men) have let it happen! As men, it is our fault.  Men gave up their God given place in the pecking order long ago.

The biblical role of men is to be obedient to God.  To know where you are going and to where you will take your family and your sons. Men are to be the protectors and the leaders.  And men that are “passive in worship will be men passive in life.”  “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Women have struggles too, this I know.  Some of those struggles come from what I am writing about.  I want you to know I acknowledge issues women face but this topic is about the men.

Are women the weaker vessel?  Yes, they are according to scripture they are.  It doesn’t take much brainpower or common sense to understand that.  Again, don’t get me wrong.  In some aspect’s women are much stronger than men.  But in the context of the protectors and the biblical subject at hand women are the weaker vessel.  Darwin’s introductions and the feminism movement did much to increase the passiveness and destruction of men.  It did begin there but regardless of what crazy things are happening in mainstream society and what is being taught, “God’s teaching and His principles will prevail.” Shame on the males of our land! Men have become incredibly passive and have retreated to try and escape reality.  Many are currently strung out on opioids while the women and grand-parents are raising their children. Men, it will be hard to survive this.  I do believe however, that women do want men to lead. They want the leaders that God develops. They do not want some barbarian or Neanderthal to drag them around by the hair muttering “my woman” she is mine.  If a man conducts himself as outlined in 1 Cor. 16: 13-14 the weaker vessel will follow the courageous lead.

This is no new phenomenon.  It is to our (men’s) shame.  We are deluged with boys born with no fathers and fathers leaving. The only way to survive this will be through Christian and Godly men that disciple, mentor and train younger men. We need to get back to the basics and do it one on one and one by one. If men don’t care about the “Bride of Jesus Christ” they won’t ever care about the other brides, the women, children or anything else.


Well, now that I have opened the can of worms let’s get into it.  Please come back for the next post as I begin the quest for Titanic Men. There are lots of stories of courageous men on the Titanic.  Imagine a world back where women and children came first and there was respect and honor for men.

God bless you all,



The Tubthumper


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