It’s a rainy day in April (to bring May flowers) so I’ll delve into part two of this important topic.

 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”

Society surely has lost this definition for men.  We have the gender distinction issues raging these days, or should we call it the gender war.  Along with the effort to feminize the male gender.  The well orchestrated project of making sissies out of our men.

This was written in the news just weeks ago: The Equality Act, sponsored by Representative David N. Cicilline (D-R.I.) and promoted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), “would add sexual orientation and gender identity to characteristics protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act.” Presumably, this would enshrine in federal law a standard dictating that a man claiming womanhood must be allowed access to the women’s arena (e.g., bathrooms, locker areas, sporting events). In reality, transgender ideology seeks to erase women and men: The whole idea is that people have “gender” (a psychological designation), that gender should take precedence over “sex” (a biological designation), and that it’s fluid. The ultimate reality, the theory goes, isn’t that you’re a “man” or “woman” but that you reside somewhere on a spectrum. (Also note that there are plenty of women claiming manhood and access to men’s private spaces.)

But look, the article goes on to say, “In fact, studies show that upwards of 80 percent of girls and 90 percent of boys who strongly “identify” as the opposite sex naturally outgrow the psychological problem.”  A psychological problem and a sin problem, I say.

Here is an excerpt from a topic I wrote on long ago called the Masculine Journey. If you haven’t read that yet and you are a man you should go there later and be enlightened.  So here is what defines a male from the Bible as written in that post.  “This Hebrew word describes maleness in a basic and fundamental anatomical way.  The Hebrew word zakar is the word for “male” in the phrase “God created man adam, male zakar and female”, Genesis 1:27.  If you check the Hebrew lexicons you will see they list the root of this term as “the male protrusion or male phallus”.  According to Dr. Hicks, “This word reflects the phallic male in his most distinct sexual aspect”.  We at our most primal level are sexual beings. The Bible is clear on this and does not pretend we are anything other than stated.  To be a male means you are a phallic kind of guy and you do not have a need to apologize for being that way.  You should never, ever allow it to be denigrated by women or by some crazy or crass individuals calling themselves men.”

So, there you have it.  If the doc looks down and sees a penis, he says “It’s a boy.”  And guess what, It’s a boy.  Congratulations you are a male. And if there is a vagina he says, “It’s a girl.”  Simple as that folks.  And you cannot make one out of the other. All you can do is pretend.  And pretend in sin they do. You can wish to be something all you want but God defined your gender when you were first conceived and before you were born.

Back to the father thing, 42% of males are born with no fathers.  Many leave after the males are born so statistics are low.  Boy’s don’t know what it means to be a man any longer. Fathers are not real fathers and have lost the ability to do the job. Fatherhood has declined and it continues to drop like a rock.

Fathers have been completely distracted with having too many interests, too many sports, too many hobbies, and everything seems to be getting in the way of discipleship of their children.

It is not only happening in the secular world and there seems to be no difference between Christian men, fathers and husbands from most men in the world.  Sadly, most men that call themselves Christians are carnal or cultural Christians and they blend in with the worldly or pagan counterparts.  There are a few strong Christian men that stand out of the crowd, but the majority are unseen. Can we re-claim the Christ honoring definition for manliness and if-so but how?

Many women survived the R.M.S Titanic sinking to tell the story of April 14, 1912.  Communication back then was by newspaper predominately. It took a week for the news to get out across the land. 75% of the women were saved but 80% of the men were lost.  That was because of the old law of the sea and the Bible “women and children first.”

An elderly woman was interviewed recently and said, “that was back in the day when men were gentlemen.”  Today things are different, and the men would throw the women overboard. With exception, however, true Christian Men would lay down their lives to save women and children because they would follow the pattern of Christ. Christ is the Sacrificial Lamb that rules, protects, leads and guides which is the proper way for men.  On the other hand, paganism uses women.

Christ defines manhood and what headship should look like.  All that is needed is to look to Jesus Christ. Jesus is love, Jesus is sacrificial, and love is service to others. Jesus taught that when he gave himself on the cross for us.  I find it ironic that I am writing this today which is the day before Easter and the day after Good Friday.  Good Friday is our Christian Holiday commemorating the day when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross at Calvary to save us all from sin.  And tomorrow it’s Easter, the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox. He is risen!

Christ is the bridegroom and biblical manhood understands what love is.  The bridegroom gave his life for the bride, which is His church. You and I if you call yourselves Christian. Love is sacrificial it is not sentimental, and it is service to meet the needs of others.

We should be very concerned with this generation because they don’t care about the Bride. Nor do they care about the Bridegroom.  They don’t care about the Lord Jesus Christ.  When we have our young males not caring bout the bride of Christ how can we expect them to care about a bride (a woman) they going to marry.  The bride we are called to sacrifice for is the Church of Jesus Christ.  The second bride we are to sacrifice ourselves for (if married) is our wife. A man must be sacrificial, Paul said in Chapter 5 of Ephesians that men should give themselves up just as Christ did. (Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,  That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.)

The Bible has all our instructions and men should be following the Pattern of Christ.  What is happening in our societal breakdown is that humans out there want to change things and erase the important laws and historic things provided to us. They certainly want to change or erase the Bible when it does not agree with their agenda. These people try to infect the thoughts of Christians with the idea that there is no divine pattern in the Bible, and they have the right to change things to fit our culture or whatever we deem necessary. Sadly, many of these change artists are teaching our children. Did you know that 90% of Christian parents send their children to public school to be controlled for 7 hours a day where there is no mention of God? That in itself is scary but then again in most Christian homes when the child gets back God isn’t mentioned there on a regular basis either.  For these people to reject the idea that God has given us a divine pattern to follow is to reject the Scriptures themselves because they clearly teach that we are to follow God’s Word. For example, Paul told Timothy: “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 1:13) So you see, Paul says there is a divine pattern while the people that want to change it say there is not. The writer of Hebrews quotes what God says to Moses, “For He said, “See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount.” (Hebrews 8:5) Reading this passage shows there was a divine pattern that Moses had to follow and there is a divine pattern for us to follow under the new covenant. Let us all strive to follow it.

Please allow me to spotlight the captain of the Titanic, Archibald Gracie.  Mr. Gracie was groomed for greatness and he sprang into action. It was women and children first and he made no bones about it. He went down with the ship. He was able to climb on a piece of something floating, was rescued and testified about the incident but later died from his internal injuries sustained when he went down. He was a courageous man because as a young man his father modeled how to be a man.  His father modeled what a Christian man is to be like, and he mentored his son into manhood. He was prepared by his father and his family and he was used by God to save many.

I’m out of space and time today folks and I’m just beginning, so please come back next time and I’ll write about our societal thing called Adolescence and the “Five Imperatives of Christian Manhood.”

If you are a male and wondering how you can possibly rise above all the attacks and be strong enough to stem the tide just stay with this and the answer will be revealed.


God bless you all and Happy Easter,






The Tubthumper



“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”                        1 Corinthians 16:13

Are you a man or a mowess?  So said the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz.

All joking aside, back in January of 2013 I did a workshop for the men in my church where I showed a movie titled, Act Like Men that was made by Biblical Worldview Media.  In the movie they documented everything I already knew along with most men.  We are in trouble.  We are seeing a decimation of manliness. It was clear as a bell then how things have been decimated and a cure needed to be administered and since then nothing has improved in-fact everything has become much, much bleaker.

In this segment I will address the decline of manhood in our nation and world along with the feminism movement and the destruction it has wrought.  I will also address the self-inflicted failure of men because we are partly at fault.  I will also touch on other destructive forces that are on men today.  A lot of women won’t like what I am writing, and a lot of men won’t like it either. I am personally ashamed of where my fellow men (mankind) has fallen.  I will not apologize for bringing forth the truth.  I am coming from a biblical perspective and so if you have a problem with what you are reading, I suggest you take it up with God and simply click to something more soothing for you.  Keep in mind however that God’s plan will never be altered.  In the end He will always be in control.

A lot of material I will present here came directly from the movie documentation and other sources which I will site when necessary.   This topic will take many posts to cover and I hope you will stay with it for the duration and summary.

Men are struggling and that is no secret.  History shows that civilizations fall when manhood breaks down. Years and years of ridicule, political correctness, feminist attacks, gender distinction wars, drug addiction and more have left men confused, passive, lazy and selfish about their identities. Men are under attack and have been for years.  The feminist movement has carefully orchestrated the attack for 100 years but most fiercely in the last 40.  And sadly, they have been quite successful partly due to men weakening and giving up their God given role. Our civilization and society are in a shambles. fatherlessness, immaturity, divorce and crime is at an all-time high. The destruction of the family as we once knew it is close at hand or already dead.

The warrior has been taken out of men as well. I don’t want to get distracted with this, but you can go to my post called, “Gibbor: The Warrior” for more detail if you wish. This is a quote from Robert Bly, “The disciplined warrior, made irrelevant by mechanized war, disdained and abandoned by the high-tech culture, is fading in American men. The fading of the warrior contributes to the collapse of civilized society.  A man who cannot defend his own space cannot defend women and children.”  Any men that do not discover the warrior aspect of their being are not real men. They are as Bly calls them, “mother-bound” boys still in need of a sword to cut them away from their mommies. Think about this as you can relate to the masses of sissified males in our current society.

What did the men on the Titanic know about manliness that now has been forgotten?  Will our civilization survive this decline of masculinity?  What does it really mean to be a man? I plan on exploring these issues and exhorting my fellow men to seek to reclaim our biblical vision for manliness.

Back in 1912 when the R.M.S Titanic hit that iceberg and sank an amazing number of men paid the ultimate price to be sure the women and children were saved. The “Law of the Sea” came from the Bible and is “women and children first.” Is this law of the sea, “women and children first” even relevant today?  I think not. How many men would give up their place on a lifeboat today for women and children.  Would you?  I think most men today would push women out or throw them overboard to get their spot on the lifeboats for themselves.  After all, that’s what women wanted is equality. I always say to be careful what you ask for. Sadly, because of the Feminist movement and the attempts to minimize the male role this has come about. And ladies, if we end up going to war again you will be subject to the military draft same as men. You won’t like it, but hey, it’s what you asked for. To an extent, males have allowed all this occur through passiveness, poor performance as leaders and simply just giving up.  For that as a man I am truly ashamed.  The pattern of Christ regarding leadership for men is to lay down your life if necessary. (I will never leave of forsake you.) There are many destructive forces working on men today. Entertainment, obsessive hobbies, self-interest, pornography, drugs, worldly diversions, lack of commitment, temptation, women’s movement and feminism (Darwin) and I could go on and on.  Men yield to temptation and passiveness much too easily.  We (men) have let it happen! As men, it is our fault.  Men gave up their God given place in the pecking order long ago.

The biblical role of men is to be obedient to God.  To know where you are going and to where you will take your family and your sons. Men are to be the protectors and the leaders.  And men that are “passive in worship will be men passive in life.”  “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Women have struggles too, this I know.  Some of those struggles come from what I am writing about.  I want you to know I acknowledge issues women face but this topic is about the men.

Are women the weaker vessel?  Yes, they are according to scripture they are.  It doesn’t take much brainpower or common sense to understand that.  Again, don’t get me wrong.  In some aspect’s women are much stronger than men.  But in the context of the protectors and the biblical subject at hand women are the weaker vessel.  Darwin’s introductions and the feminism movement did much to increase the passiveness and destruction of men.  It did begin there but regardless of what crazy things are happening in mainstream society and what is being taught, “God’s teaching and His principles will prevail.” Shame on the males of our land! Men have become incredibly passive and have retreated to try and escape reality.  Many are currently strung out on opioids while the women and grand-parents are raising their children. Men, it will be hard to survive this.  I do believe however, that women do want men to lead. They want the leaders that God develops. They do not want some barbarian or Neanderthal to drag them around by the hair muttering “my woman” she is mine.  If a man conducts himself as outlined in 1 Cor. 16: 13-14 the weaker vessel will follow the courageous lead.

This is no new phenomenon.  It is to our (men’s) shame.  We are deluged with boys born with no fathers and fathers leaving. The only way to survive this will be through Christian and Godly men that disciple, mentor and train younger men. We need to get back to the basics and do it one on one and one by one. If men don’t care about the “Bride of Jesus Christ” they won’t ever care about the other brides, the women, children or anything else.


Well, now that I have opened the can of worms let’s get into it.  Please come back for the next post as I begin the quest for Titanic Men. There are lots of stories of courageous men on the Titanic.  Imagine a world back where women and children came first and there was respect and honor for men.

God bless you all,



The Tubthumper


Click here to jump to the next post!





The Phallic Male

My apology to you for the length of this post, however I couldn’t see my way to breaking it to several shorter blocks.  I felt the entire message had to be completed.

This goes out to my fellow men.

How does the doctor know?  How does he know if the baby is a male or female?

That is a rhetorical question.  Of course, he looks.  If there is a penis then its male.  If not it’s female.  End of story.  Only lately has there been confusion around the subject.  It gets debated and politicized.  In this post we will observe what the ancient wisdom of scripture days about it.

Zakar: this word means “male”.  If we go deep and look at the sematic roots of the word it means sharp or pointed or in other words the male protrusion, penis or phallus.  The Arabic take on the word is close in being Dakar with the same meaning.

When we look at scripture it places the male identity and sexuality firmly in anatomy.  Where it should be.  It does not place it in a realm of psychology or sociology.  Modern psychology says that you are a male if, “you feel like one”.  Modern sociology says you are a male if, “you do the things they consider to be male things”.  The Bible on the other hand, describes and defines manhood by the phallus.  It’s just like the doctor saw it as long as it is a natural phallus and not something brought about by some perverse sex change operation.  Male is the Zakar as mentioned above.  There is a female counterpart described as Negevah or “bored through or pierced.  You can see the plain description for the parts on the human body the Lord created. You can also see that one was made to fit with the other.  Is that surprising? This identity was based on the equipment we were born with. With that said, most males have little to no awareness of this identity until puberty begins to set in.

The phallus also was a determination of religious service.  Spiritual service in the Old Testament was regulated by gender.  Because it was determined and regulated by gender it is offensive to most in our society today. The feminists have had a hug impact on this and they have had a planned agenda and movement over the last several decades. A lot of this agenda has led to the sissification (is that a word?) of men but that’s another subject for me sometime. You know what I mean.  I have driven down the road and been unable to tell if the being on the sidewalk moving in a way a sissy would walk is a man or a woman. Enough on that for now.  My point being that the feminists make all gender differentiation into political discrimination.  When a feminist reads the Bible they see sexual discrimination and do not see the true message intended.

Let’s observe how religious service was regulated by gender back in that time.  1. They celebrated animal offerings at feasts and the offerings were made on the basis of gender. The heads of households on Passover were to bring a male lamb. “Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats”. (Exodus 12:5)  2. For a guilt offering only a female sheep or goat was allowed. “And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the Lord for his sin which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or a kid of the goats, for a sin offering; and the priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his sin.” (Leviticus 5:6)  3. Peace offerings could be made with a male or female offering. (Leviticus 3: 1,6) 4. All free will offerings had to be male sacrifices. “Ye shall offer at your own will a male without blemish, of the beeves, of the sheep, or of the goats.” (Leviticus 22:19)

Feminists have pointed out correctly the fact only the males were required to bring a sacrifice. “Three times in the year all thy males shall appear before the Lord God.” (Exodus 23:17)  “Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the Lord empty.” (Deuteronomy 16:16)

Only males were counted in the national census. (Numbers 1:2,20,22) Only males could be Priests. (Exodus 28:1)(Leviticus 8: 1-3) This is probably another issue that raised the ire of the feminists.  But get this: Only males could be killed in mass murder and used as cannon-fodder in war. (Women and children were allowed to live. Deuteronomy 20: 13-14) Men also had to pay more money than women to make the very same vows. (Leviticus 27:3, 5-6)  Now isn’t this unfair?  Why is this?

The Bible indicates there is no conflict between sexuality and spirituality.  We are addressed by God in the Bible with terminology that describes who we are. We are Zakar. We are Phallic males.  By possessing a penis it places us with unique requirements before God. It also determined how we are to worship Him.

Your gender was also a symbol of dedication and connection.  It is no secret that the erect male organ has always been a symbol important to religion. I don’t really need to go into that much. The phallus was the male organ singled out as the unique site for the very first blood-letting and wound that a young man must face. “This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised. And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant.” (Genesis 17:10,14)  The ceremony became a male marker for his dedication to God and for his connection to the community. The community of Israel.  It was a sign of the Abrahamic Covenant. “And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” (Genesis 17:1-8) The circumcision ceremony was also a symbol of God’s faithfulness in the provision of male offspring who could, in turn, produce more offspring to continue The Covenant. It was a daily reminder to every boy and man as to who he was. That he was different from the Gentiles and why he was different.  Sexuality and gender marking took a spiritual significance.

Today’s society does all it can to separate the phallus from any spiritual categories.  Our society does nothing to separate the phallus from other sexual exploits and in fact sexual innuendos have reached a fever pitch in our society. If it feels good then do it, is the norm. It needs to be pointed out that in no way is the suggestion here that true sexuality and spirituality should be united like it was with the sacred prostitutes of the pagan societies of the past.  Actually the Apostle Paul had to address the Corinthian Church because some believers were still having intercourse with sacred prostitutes in Corinthians 6: 15-20.  He encouraged marriage, abstinence, etc. but then had to tell them not to deprive themselves because they moved to the other extreme.  I guess there is hardly ever a good balance in anything.

Christianity in our current society is not able to openly deal with the male phallus in its full activity like it was in the Old Testament. Most secular therapists have not given much attention to the spiritual side of things that surround a complete understanding of the phallus.  They deal the sexual dysfunctions and addictions without a consideration of the larger and deeper connections that could be relate to worship, spiritual bondage or demonic activity.  Monick wrote, “People are uneasy with the correlation of sexuality and religion. Christianity, especially has separated the two in a way that would make them appear to be irreconcilable.  Psychiatry continues the disjuncture, emphasizing it with pathological labels.  The church elevates religion, devaluing sexuality.  Psychiatry does the opposite by elevating sexuality and devaluing religion.  The union of sexuality and religion is like an electrical connection. Wrong joining leads to disaster. No joining produces no energy. Proper joining holds promise.”

The fight between scriptural theology of sexuality and irreconcilable psychology can cause men to do harm to themselves in secrecy. It is believed that without proper teaching on the phallus they will have inherent spiritual tensions. This can be due to a spiritual god-hunger that is mysterious and powerful and will seek fulfillment in any way they can.  This could drive men into sexually deviant behavior.  Thus many men never graduate from the locker room school and are still caught in an adolescent philosophy.  Men get stuck in a phallic stage. Unbridled sexuality becomes harmful for men. Women too, however this is about men. When the phallus is given over to its full-blown spiritual power with no restraint, it will become an idol!

Therefore, in the scriptures, God makes it clear… The phallus, though being a symbol of God’s faithfulness and provision, must be regulated, lest it become a very mysterious taskmaster.  This must be kept in check.

How do we keep the phallus in regulation?  “And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day.” (Deuteronomy 6:24)  We are to observe the statutes. We are to fear the Lord our God.  In our society today we see that with the onset of Aids and other diseases they are advocating abstinence, restraint and clean (monogamous) sexual partners.  And this is exactly what God was trying to do in the Law.  It was to regulate our sexual behavior because of the inherent potential for destruction when left unregulated. I will encourage you to read Leviticus 15: 1-33 to note the value placed on the emission of semen by the male along with nocturnal emissions. It is obvious that what happens to a man’s semen is important to God. In Proverbs 5:18 we note how important our sexual lives are to God as well. Our God know our hearts and He knows they need regulation otherwise we do what we will.

God seeks to orient our sexuality for our best interests and for His glory.  He placed a major prohibition with regard to the male phallus and the keeping of creational distinctions.  The first one had to do with bestiality.  The book of Leviticus is very clear on this subject. It is also very clear on the subject of homosexuality. God put these in the Bible because he knew we would be in those situations of temptation. The Bible simply calls them what they are: abominations.  Our society calls them other things like addictions, compulsions, obsessions and disorders.  The Bible also covers the subject of incest and modesty as well. These regulations have been ignored and now we have a society that is outwardly sexually compulsive but inwardly bored.

The real location of the lack of regulation or beginning of adultery is always in the heart and mind. Jesus made this clear in the scriptures.  So the phallus is stimulated by how the mind conceives the ultimate sexual experience and the role of fantasy plays a big part. Men primarily fantasize about having access to beautiful women without risk and without rejection.  This explains the popularity of pornography and addiction. Pornography plays with our minds at the very deepest levels.

When we think of the Phallic Man one that comes to mind is Samson. Samson’s fatal flaw was his phallus. Samson liked and fell in love with good-looking Philistine women. The first time he gazed on one of the daughters of the Philistines, he wanted her simply because she looked good to him. (Judges 14:3) And most of us know the story of Samson and Delilah.  Another Philistine damsel. Delilah got to Samson the same way the other women did, by using the old line of, “If you really love me you would.”  The she cut his hair off and the soldiers gouged his eyes out and imprisoned him. And the ending worked out because his hair grew back and he was able to pull the pillars down.  Samson was a high testosterone, man’s kind of man.  He was Zakar to the core. The only problem was that he never made it beyond the phallic stage. He got stuck like many men do. Even when the spirit of the Lord was upon him he failed at controlling his phallus.  He was hopelessly controlled by his phallus which allowed him to give in to his fantasies about beautiful Philistine women.

Here is some good advice about having some sexual sanity and controlling our phallus by Earl Wilson, a clinical psychologist.

“Sanity returns when three things happen. One, we control our sexual behavior rather than being controlled by it.  Two, we use sex for its intended purposes- pleasure and procreation rather than to meet other psychological needs. Three, we keep sex in its proper perspective and don’t take it too seriously…. There is a certain type of insanity with using sex for other than its intended purposes.  I strongly believe that sexual sanity come when sex is engaged in by a man and a woman who are married and deeply committed to each other.  People who engage in sex apart from these constraints run the risk of becoming enslaved to their sexuality and thus having it lose its meaning.  This is a waste and approaches insanity.”

We never outgrow our phallus. It stays with us all our lives even though its power may wane.  It’s been said, “The flesh never gets better, it just gets deader!” So it is with the phallus.

The phallic stage is only one of six and men can find themselves in several stages at once or in one solitary stage. This was a discussion at our men’s ministry meeting this month and based on the book, “The Masculine Journey by Robert Hicks.

Come back for the third stage of manhood called Gibbor: The Glorious Hero.  The Warrior!

Click here to jump to The Warrior!

The best to you,

The Tubthmper